7. Richard Feynman(理查德.费曼): Nobel Prize-winning Physicist Richard Feynman was one of the best-known scientists in the world during his time, and is still widely known today for his work in quantum mechanics, particle physics and superfluidity. Besides being a whiz in the lab, Feynman helped to popularize the subject through his books and lectures, most notably in The Feynman Lectures on Physics.博主:如果哪位读者对费曼毫不了解,可以先读读《别闹了,费曼先生》,三联书店,1997. 8. Michio Kaku(加来道雄): Few have brought physics into popular culture like Michio Kaku. His books Physics of the Future(物理学的未来,重庆出版社,2012.姬扬博主对这个中文本的翻译质量有意见,见) and Parallel Worlds , among others, have helped to make him a well-known figure and cemented his role in the history of scientific writing. 9. Steven Weinberg(斯蒂芬.温伯格): This Nobel Laureate in physics has written a number of books that address everything from the fundamentals of cosmology to the discovery of subatomic particles. His research has helped the field make great strides, and his work is well worth a read.博主:他也有多部著作译为中文,如《最初三分钟》,重庆大学出版社,2015. 10.Albert Einstein(爱因斯坦): Famous the world over and possessing a name that's synonymous with genius, this physicist's theories helped to change the way scientists thought about time, space and bodies in motion. His publications on relativity are well worth a read for anyone, as he uses powerful examples to explain some of the more difficult concepts. 博主:爱因斯坦与波兰科学家英费尔德合著的科普著作《物理学的进化》有多个中译本,我推荐张卜天的译本,商务印书馆,2019. 11.Erwin Schrodinger(埃尔温·薛定谔): Best known for his work in physics, which won him a Nobel Prize, Schrodinger's work covers topics from that field to the biological sciences. His most popular works include What Is Life?(生命是什么?海南出版社,2017) and The Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics. 12.Ian Stewart(伊恩.斯图尔特): A great promoter of mathematics, Ian Stewart has won awards for his books that bring math and science to a popular audience. Sci-fi fans will love his Science of Discworld series and math geeks will appreciate his texts like Nature's Numbers(自然之数,上海科学技术出版社,2012). 13.Steven Strogatz(史蒂夫·斯托加茨): This mathematician's work has been applied to diverse fields like sociology, business and epidemioloy His writings help make even the most complex topics accessible, interesting and even emotionally compelling.博主:他有多部著作译为中文,如《X的奇幻之旅》,中信出版社,2014. 14.Douglas R. Hoftstader(道格拉斯 R. 霍夫斯塔德,或 侯世达): In 1980, Hoftstader's book Godel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid (哥德尔、艾舍尔、巴赫:集异璧之大成,商务印书馆,1996)won him the Pulitzer Prize for non-fiction. The son of a Nobel Prize-winning physicist, Hoftstader grew up surrounded by science and has produced a number of groundbreaking and compelling books on the subject.
生物科学 These authors will help students and science enthusiasts alike to learn more about how biological organisms form, grow and change over time. 15.Edward O. Wilson(爱德华 O. 威尔逊): American biologist Edward Osborne Wilson, perhaps better known as E.O. Wilson, won the Pulitzer Prize in 1991 for his book On Human Nature(论人的天性,贵州人民出版社,1987), in which he argues that the human mind is shaped more by social and environmental factors than genetics. Wilson didn't just study the social lives of humans, however, and readers will find some great writings of his on ants and other social insects as well. (责任编辑: 威尼斯人官网_【VIP专线网址】) |