16.Sir D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson(达西.汤普森): This pioneer in the field of mathematical biology is best known for his 1917 book On Growth and Form(生长和形态,上海科技教育出版社,2003), an account of how both living and non-living matter grows. It was called by Peter Medawan, "the finest work of literature in all the annals of science that have been recorded in the English tongue." 17.David Quammen(大卫·奎曼): With work in publications such as National Geographic, Harper's and The New York Times, Quammen is certainly a high-profile science and nature writer. Be sure to check out his books Monster of God: The Man-Eating Predator in the Jungles of History and the Mind and The Reluctant Mr. Darwin: An Intimate Portrait of Charles Darwin and the Making of His Theory of Evolution. 博主:他的著作《致命接触:全球大型传染病探秘之旅(从HIV、埃博拉到SARS,寻找人类大范围感染疾病的根源》)2020年6月由中信出版社出版。
18.Paul de Kruif(保罗·德·克鲁伊夫): While it might be outdated today, de Kruif's work Microbe Hunters(微生物猎人传,北方妇女儿童出版社,2009.博主:我没看过此君的书) was a watershed publication back in 1926. Any student interested in better understanding the field of microbiology should add it to their reading list. 19.Jonathan Weiner(乔纳森. 维纳): This popular science writer has won everything from the Pulitzer Prize to the National Book Critics Circle Award to the Los Angeles Times Book Prize for his writing. Touching on topics like disease, evolution and aging, Weiner delves into biology in an incredibly moving way.博主:他的著作有多个中译本,如《地球的奥秘》,湖南教育出版社,2000.
进化与遗传学 Here, you'll find some of the biggest and best minds in evolutionary science and genetics who shared their thoughts and research with a wider audience. 20.Stephen Jay Gould(斯蒂芬.杰.古尔德): If you have any interest in evolutionary science at all, you've more than likely heard this man's name. A paleontologist and professor at Harvard, Gould was also a gifted writer, crafting books and essays on evolution and natural history that remain popular today.博主:他的著作译为中文的很多,如《自达尔文以来》,三联书店,2003. 21.Richard Dawkins(理查德.道金斯): While controversial for his unabashed attack on religion, Dawkins' writings on evolution and genetics are a must-read for any student hoping to pursue a career in these fields of science. His books The Selfish Gene(自私的基因,中信出版集团,2019) and The Extended Phenotype made big waves in the scientific community when they were released almost 30 years ago – and are still influencing thought in evolutionary biology today. 22.Matt Ridley(马特·里德利): Ridley is the author of several works in popular science, including Genome: The Autobiography of a Species in 23 Chapters(基因组:人种自传23章,北京理工大学出版社,2003,我为中译本写的推荐语是;《基因组:人种自传23章》是帮助读者一窥人类基因组堂奥的上佳入门书。《论语》、《圣经》、哥白尼的《天体运行论》、达尔文的《物种起源》、弗洛依德的《释梦》、爱因斯坦的《相对论》……这些都是不同时期的人们不得不认真阅读和面对的书,因为它们给人类的思想带来了空前的震撼。马特•里德利说,人类基因组也是一部将思想、文化、社会、经济和伦理等领域带来强力冲击波的奥义书,令人不可不读。马特•里德利在《基因组:人种自传23章》一书中试图用23章的篇幅来解读这部“书”的奥义。他解读得是否透彻且不去说,其解读的全面性是毫无异议的。该书是帮助读者一窥人类基因组堂奥的上佳入门书。) and The Rational Optimist: How Prosperity Evolves, and takes a look at everything from our genetic code to how we reproduce. (责任编辑: 威尼斯人官网_【VIP专线网址】) |