32.Konrad Lorenz(康拉德.洛伦茨): Nobel Prize-winning zoologist Konrad Lorenz made great strides in his research and the foundation of the field of ethology. He was also a great author who wrote numerous books detailing his zoological studies in a way anyone could appreciate.他的著作《所罗门王的指环》(中国和平出版社,1998),文字极其幽默。 33.Rachel Carson(蕾切尔.卡逊): Carson's book Silent Spring(寂静的春天,吉林人民出版社,2006) was perhaps one of the most important science books of the 20th century, changing the way we view our interactions with the environment and the harm even simple chemicals can have on complex ecosystems. Carson continued to write throughout her life, leaving behind a wealth of scientific essays and publications that are well worth a read for any student of the sciences.
人体 Through the great works of these science writers, you'll explore the mysteries of the human body and mind. 34.Peter Medawar(彼得.梅达沃): British biologist Peter Medawar had an illustrious career, winning a Nobel Prize in 1960 and helping make world-changing discoveries in medicine. He is also regarded as one of the most brilliant science writers of all time. Known for his wit and ability to write for both professionals and the general public, Medawar's books should have a place in any library of scientific classics. 他的著作的中译本包括《一只会思想的萝卜:梅达沃自传》,上海科技教育出版社,2001. 35.Steven Pinker(斯蒂芬.平克): Cognitive scientist Steven Pinker has helped to redefine how we understand the human mind, from its evolution to language usage. His popular books, including Words and Rules and How the Mind Works(心智探奇,浙江人民出版社,2016), are great additions to any comprehensive science library. 36.Oliver Sacks(奥利弗.萨克斯): Physician and best-selling author Oliver Sacks is one of the most popular science writers out there today– and for good reason. His books help explain many neurological issues in a creative and engaging way that even non-medical professionals find captivating. 中信出版社从2016年7月起陆续出版奥利弗·萨克斯“探索者”系列丛书,包含了他最负盛名的6本著作:《错把妻子当帽子》 《火星上的人类学家》 《脑袋里装了2000出歌剧的人》《看见声音:走入失聪的寂静世界》《看不见风景的人》,以及讲述他童年的自传 《钨舅舅:少年萨克斯的化学爱恋》。 37.Alfred C. Kinsey(阿尔弗雷德 C. 金西): Kinsey's most famous writing, published in the two books called collectively the Kinsey Report( 金西报告——人类男性性行为,光明日报出版社,1989), helped document what goes on behind closed doors with human sexual behavior. Considered racy at the time, and probably still so by many today, the books are a must-read for anyone entering a career in biology, psychology or reproductive sciences.
多主题著作 These gifted writers focus on different topics throughout their writing, touching on fields like evolution, technology and paleontology. 38.Simon Singh(西蒙.辛格): Author, journalist and TV producer Simon Singh focuses on bringing science and mathematics to the masses through his work. His popular science books present often complex subjects in a highly accessible manner, introducing many a layman to the fundamentals of Fermat's Theorem, cryptography and even the science (or lack thereof) behind alternative medicine.他有多部著作译为中文,包括《费马大定理》,上海译文出版社,1998. (责任编辑: 威尼斯人官网_【VIP专线网址】) |