48.Nicolaus Copernicus(哥白尼): Copernicus wrote throughout his life, but he waited until he was on his deathbed to release his best and most important work– On the Revolutions of Heavenly Spheres(《天球运行论》,有多个中译本,我推荐商务印书馆的版本,张卜天翻译). It is by no means an easy read, but for those who love mathematics, it can be an amazing journey into how a man could have made such huge discoveries with such limited equipment. 49.Aristotle(亚里士多德): Most know Aristotle for his writings on philosophy, but he dabbled in the sciences as well writing on physics, biology and zoology. His views were to carry well into the Medieval and Renaissance eras thought today we known many (but not all) of them to be false. No history of scientific thought is complete without a reading of Aristotle's works.他有很多著作,《形而上学》中文版2003年由中国人民大学出版社出版。 50.Primo Levi(普里莫·莱维): A brilliant chemist, Levi came close to losing his life after spending a year in Auschwitz during WWII. His book The Periodic Table(元素周期表,人民文学出版社,2017.作家薛忆沩写道:这本《元素周期表》的作者不是俄国化学家门捷列夫,而是他去世12年之后才出生的意大利化学家列维(Primo Levi)。这本书的意大利文版出版于门捷列夫“元素周期表”的最后版本公布之后的第104年。9年之后,这本书的英译本在美国出版并受到知识界的追捧。索尔·贝娄被这本书深深地打动,他宣称:“这是下一部必读的书。”这接下来“必读”的书使化学家列维在他的第一部作品《如果这也是人》(他关于奥斯威辛的伟大回忆)出版将近40年之后终于赢得了文学史上显赫的地位。) was named the best science book every by the Royal Institution of Great Britain. (责任编辑: 威尼斯人官网_【VIP专线网址】) |