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时间:2020-08-12 20:52来源:威尼斯人 作者:威尼斯人 点击:
39. Bill Bryson (比尔·布莱森 ) : Selling over six million books in England alone, Bryson is a writer who has helped to bring a wide range of scientific subjects alive for the general public.

39.Bill Bryson(比尔·布莱森Selling over six million books in England alone, Bryson is a writer who has helped to bring a wide range of scientific subjects alive for the general public. Often funny and always witty, his book A Short History of Nearly Everything(万物简史,接力出版社,2003) won him multiple prizes for science writing.

40.James Lovelock(詹姆斯·洛夫洛克): Lovelock's best known work Gaia garnered him some criticism in the scientific community for being too mystical. Yet, it poses an idea, that our planet is a single, self-regulating system, that is hard to ignore in an age where pollution and disease on one side of the world can quickly impact the other.他的著作的中译本有《盖娅:地球生命的新视野》,格致出版社,2019.

41.Jared Diamond(贾雷德·戴蒙德): Jared Diamond's Guns, Germs and Steel (枪炮、病菌与钢铁,上海译文出版社,2000)was a bestseller, detailing what factors came into play to let some societies dominate while others grew very little. His works draw on a variety of fields from geography to biology, making them interesting reads for those in any field of science.

42.Roy Chapman Andrews(安得思)An explorer, adventurer and naturalist and a real-life Indiana Jones, Andrews led an amazingly interesting life. In the early 20th century he made some major paleontological finds in the Gobi desert, discovering the first fossilized dinosaur eggs. He details many of his adventures and his discoveries in his books, including Quest in the Desert and This Business of Exploring.暂未发现他的著作的中译本。

43.James Gleick(詹姆斯.格莱克Gleick's works have garnered him nominations for Pulitzer and Nation Book Award prizes and have been read around the world. Much of his writing addresses the ways science and technology influence our culture, though he has written some great biographies and monographies on other topics as well.其著作中文版《混沌学:一门新科学 》1992年由社会科学文献出版社出版。

44.Timothy Ferris(蒂莫西·费里斯): Not to be confused with Timothy Ferriss, science writer Tim Ferris has written a number of best-selling popular books on physics and cosmology. His best works to date are The Science of Liberty and Coming of Age in the Milky Way.他的著作的中译本《望向星空深处》2020年8月刚刚由译文出版社出版。


If you want to take in some classic science writers, these are all excellent choices, showing you where great science writing has its roots.

45.Charles Darwin(达尔文)If you can move past his sometimes dry Victorian prose, the content of Darwin's greatest books, The Voyage of the Beagle and The Origin of Species(《物种起源》,我推荐译林出版社2016年的译本,苗德岁翻译) is nothing less than game-changing. While it would be simple to read about the ideas they contain in a textbook, reading through Darwin's own witty, beautifully told tales can be much more enlightening.

46.Isaac Newton(牛顿): Few would argue that Newton was one of the greatest thinkers to ever live and his works like Principia Mathematica(自然哲学的数学原理,商务印书馆,2017) helped change the very way we and the scientific community think about our world. While some of his text may be a bit dry to modern readers, it is accessible and offers insight into the fundamentals that are center to much of our modern understanding of science.

47.Galileo Galilei(伽利略): In times past, scientific inquiry in so much that it disagreed with the church's teachings was discouraged, to say the least. Galileo's writings stood up to this and his witty Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems关于托勒密和哥白尼两大世界体系的对话,北京大学出版社,2018) landed him in the hot seat during the Inquisition– a beautiful testament to those who fought for truth over doctrine.

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